What Number Is Craps

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What Number Is Craps
  1. What Number Is Rolled Most In Craps
  2. What Number Is Craps Safe

Craps is one of the more complex casino games, but it can also be the most fun because the player is in charge of the action. From The Wizard of Odds This following information graciously provided by the Wizard of Odds, the most recognized authority on casino gaming and table odds on the Net. Most of the people who have been visiting casinos and playing online casino on online betting sites must be aware of the craps game every well.

Craps is a dice game in which the players make wagers on the outcome of the roll, or a series of rolls, of a pair of dice. Players may wager money against each other (playing 'street craps') or a bank (playing 'casino craps', also known as 'table craps', or often just 'craps'). What’s Up with Craps.

с. азартная игра в кости

You've got to be some special kind of crazy to like this crap.
Надо быть вообще по-своему безумным, чтобы любить такую ересь.
What number is craps game

What Number Is Rolled Most In Craps

Рэп - отстой.
Were you, for example, breaking completely today?
Actually I wasn't, even the glass. But I said no, it's all crap, I don't understand why.
Shame on you, Styopa!
Ты, например, сегодня полностью ломал?
Ну, на самом деле нет, даже стекло. Но я сказал не, херня, не понимаю зачем.
Как не стыдно, Стёпа!
“Well, I can tell you what I don’t do-- I don’t stand around and listen to crap like this from people who think they’re so much better than everyone else!”
«Что уж я точно не собираюсь делать, так это стоять и слушать чушь от кого-то, кто ошибочно полагает, что она лучше остальных».
3 or 12 rolls, known as craps, losing the players who have used the shooter.
З или 12 рулонов, известных как кости, потери игроков, которые использовали стрелок.
Бэбс Фостер уже забила это место.
Впрочем, все это может быть и брехней.
During the first half of this century replaced as the main craps faro gambling game in America.
В течение первой половины этого столетия, как заменить основные кости фаро азартных игр в Америке.
Короче говоря, фата-моргана - глупый вымысел поэтов.
Hazard has a high percentage for the bank and the African Americans developed a fairer game, craps.
Опасности имеет высокий процент для банка и афро-американцы разработали справедливой игры, игры в крэпс.

What Number Is Craps Safe

What Number Is Craps
expressions used when when two dice are thrown and both come up showing one spot: snake eyes, two, II, 2, deuce
a gambling game played with two dice; a first throw of 7 or 11 wins and a first throw of 2, 3, or 12 loses and a first throw of any other number must be repeated to win before a 7 is thrown, which loses the bet and the dice: crapshoot, crap game, roll, cast, gambling game, game of chance, crap shooting